


Diflucan is used to treat infections in people with weak immune systems, usually caused by cancer treatments, bone marrow transplants or AIDS and similar diseases. It is an antifungal antibiotic. Diflucan is classified as a triazole and works by slowing fungi growth that can cause infection. This class of drug has been used to treat yeast infections, meningitis, along with working to prevent infections as well.

In 2011, the FDA warned the public that Diflucan could be the cause of severe birth defects in a fetus when taken while pregnant. Before this time, Diflucan had been classified as a Category C drug in the pregnancy category. After further study, the FDA moved to classification to Category D, which means that the drug shows positive evidence of human fetal risk.

The FDA had received reports of women whose babies suffered from a birth defect after being exposed to Diflucan in the first trimester. The drug has been thought to cause facial deformities, cranioschisis of the frontal bones or sagittal suture, hypoplasia of the nasal bones, humoral-radial fusion, bowed tibia and femur, femoral factures, contractures of the extremities and defects of the fingers and toes—along with many other rare birth defects. Also, mothers taking Diflucan have a higher risk of giving birth to their child prematurely.

Serious Side effects may include:

  • Nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
  • Fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms
  • Severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash
  • Easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness
  • Seizure (convulsions)

Less serious side effects may include:

  • Mild stomach pain, diarrhea, upset stomach
  • HeadAche
  • Dizziness
  • Unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth

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