


Methohexital is an anesthetic that is given by IV. It is given in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor prior to surgery. During a surgical procedure, it is administered by IV so that patients don’t wake up during a procedure. Doctors monitor the patient’s vital signs and reduce dosage as needed to keep the patient safe and to allow him or her to wake up after surgery is finished.

Side Effects/Warnings

This medication should only be administered intravenously to adults. Doctors administering this medication should be trained in its use and should monitor patients’ vital signs carefully. There should be a doctor present other than the one performing the procedure so that patients’ health and safety can be continuously monitored.

Patients should not drive for 12 to 24 hours after this medication is discontinued. They should alert their doctors immediately if they have an irregular heartbeat or have seizures or twitches following the use of this medication.

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