

Ethinyl Estradiol/Etonogestrel (Vaginal Ring)

Etonogestrel is a contraceptive medication that women can use to prevent pregnancy. This medication comes in a ring that fits the woman’s vagina. The woman inserts it into her vagina and leaves it there for three weeks. After three weeks, she removes the ring and takes a week off before putting a new ring in. While the ring is in, it infuses estrogen into the woman’s body through her vagina to help prevent pregnancy.

Side Effects/Warnings

Women who smoke should not use this medication unless they quit smoking. Smoking while on this drug greatly increases the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Women over the age of 35 also risk cardiovascular health problems even if they don’t smoke.

Women who use this form of birth control should be aware that it does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.

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