Desipramine is a tricyclic anti-depressant. It restores mental balance by changing the chemical composition of the brain so that patients no longer experience feelings of depression, guilt, anger and sadness. Psychiatrists often prescribe this medication to patients who suffer from chronic depression.
Side Effects/Warnings
Desipramine, like many anti-depressant medications, causes some patients to become more depressed rather than less. Patients who are under the age of 24 are more susceptible to this side effect. These patients may have suicidal thoughts or feelings and are at risk for self-harm.
Medications that change the chemical composition of the brain also put patients at risk for chemical dependence. The brain and body adapt to the presence of the medication and do not function appropriately without it. Abruptly stopping the medication can lead to serious withdrawal reactions such as high blood pressure, seizures and extreme mood swings.