Anti-thymocyte Globulin (rabbit)
Anti-thymocyte globulin (Rabbit) is often given to patients following a kidney transplant to protect the new organ from being rejected by the immune system. This drug interferes with the production of white blood cells and the function of these cells so that the immune system doesn’t attack the foreign organ.
Warnings/Side Effects
This drug has been shown to have negative effects on animal fetuses; although there are currently no studies regarding how human fetuses are affected, it is not recommended for use in pregnant women. Women who are on this medication should not breastfeed because they may transmit the medication to their child through breast milk.
Some patients may have a severe or fatal allergic reaction to this medication if they are allergic to rabbits. In addition, patients who take this medication are at increased risk of illness and infection because their immune system doesn’t work correctly while on the medication.