

Amprenavir (Oral solution)

Amprenivar is a drug used to treat HIV and AIDS in both adults and children. The manufacturer discontinued use of this drug in 2008; patients who are continuing to use this drug should talk to their doctors about switching to a different drug.

Warnings/Side Effects

This drug should not be used by itself as an AIDS drug. It should be used as part of a drug “cocktail” to fight the HIV virus so that the virus doesn’t become resistant to it. It should also not be used by children younger than four years of age or by pregnant women.

Amprenivar can cause high blood sugar and diabetes-like symptoms. These symptoms need to be treated immediately so that the patient doesn’t suffer from complications of diabetes. If you have a consistent dry mouth, excessive thirst, excessive need to urinate and extreme fatigue, you should contact your doctor.

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Dangerous Drugs Listing