


Amitriptyline is a tricyclic anti-depressant drug that is often prescribed to people who are suffering from depression. This drug changes the chemicals in the patient’s brain to eliminate feelings of depression, sadness, guilt and anger.

Warnings/Side Effects

Amitriptyline can initially make depression worse. Many people experience suicidal thoughts and are in danger of self-harm when they first begin taking this drug. People under the age of 24 are at particular risk of suicide when starting Amitriptyline.

Aminitriptyline interacts negatively with other anti-depressant drugs, especially MAO inhibitors. Patients shouldn’t take this drug until 14 days after they finish their last dose of their previous anti-depressant medication.

Any drug that affects brain chemistry can cause physical addiction. Patients who want to stop taking this drug need to taper off it while under a doctor’s supervision to minimize negative side effects associated with withdrawal.

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Dangerous Drugs Listing