Amiodarone (oral)
Amiodarone is a medication that is used to help regulate the heartbeat in people with severe arrhythmia. This drug keeps the heart beating in a steady rhythm. It is usually administered in the hospital so that the patient can be closely monitored for serious complications and heart problems.
Warnings/Side Effects
This drug is approved only for use in cases where the patient’s arrhythmia is so severe that his or her life is in immediate danger. In some cases, Amiodarone can cause arrhythmia to become worse or even cause fatal heart problems.
Amiodarone is a highly toxic drug, so patients will have to remain in the hospital while on this drug. It can cause fatal pulmonary toxicities and is also associated with liver disease. Liver disease is far rarer than pulmonary disease while on this medication; however, some people experience irreversible damage to their livers.