Alemtuzumab is an injectable drug that is used to treat B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The drug is injected into the patient’s veins on a regular basis to combat cancer cells. Doctors usually begin by putting the patient on a low dose of the drug and then gradually raise the dose as the body begins to tolerate it.
Warnings/Side Effects
There are several dangers associated with Alemtuzumab injections.
- Serious infections. Bacterial , viral and fungal infections can occur as a result of injecting Alemtuzumab. Some of these infections are fatal.
- Allergic reactions, including swelling of the face, tongue and throat. Swelling can interfere with breathing; allergic reactions require immediate medical treatment.
- Rejection of the drug by the body. Doctors need to start at a low dose and gradually increase it in order to minimize the possibility of negative reactions.